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Plant Imager controllerLink

This section use a regular computer with Ubuntu 24.04 as the main controller.

Getting startedLink

Enable SSHLink

Enabling SSH allows to connect to the plant-imager device from any machine connected to the Plant Imager Access Point.

sudo apt install openssh-server -y

Set username and passwordLink

  1. Create the user romi with:
    sudo adduser romi
    This will also create the home directory for this user and ask for a password.
  2. Add this user to dialout, video & sudo groups with:
    sudo adduser romi dialout
    sudo adduser romi video
    sudo adduser romi sudo

ROMI softwareLink

Install OquamLink

Install the system requirementsLink

To install the system requirements, simply run:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake git libpng-dev libjpeg-dev

Clone the sourcesLink

To clone the sources from the ROMI GitHub repository, simply run:

git clone --branch ci_dev --recurse-submodules


The --recurse-submodules option will automatically initialize and update each submodule in the repository.

Compile the sourcesLink

Then move to the cloned directory and compile the oquam app with:

cd romi-rover-build-and-test
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make oquam

Configure the controller to act as a hotspotLink

To configure the RPi4 to act as a hotspot you may use the CLI, as root:

sudo bash tests-hardware/ --wlan wlan0 --ssid "Plant Imager" --pwd "my_secret_password!"

This will:

  • install the required dependencies
  • configure the routing tables
  • set the name of the SSID
  • set the password to use to connect to the hotspot


Change the password as it is not so secret anymore!

Configure rcomLink

cd romi-rover-build-and-test
git submodule init  # if not done yet (empty 'rcom' directory)
git submodule update
cd build
cmake ..
make rcom-registry

Start rcom-registry:


Power the Picamera, you should see a message when it connects to the AP!

Configure live-previewLink

You have to install and configure appache2.

Let's start by installing the requirements:

sudo apt install apache2

Change DocumentRoot in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf to /home/romi/romi-rover-build-and-test/applications/romi-monitor/

Also add:

        <Directory /home/romi/romi-rover-build-and-test/applications/romi-monitor/>
                   Options Indexes
                   AllowOverride None
                   Require all granted
Then restart the apache2.service with systemctl:
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

Finally, on the controller, open a web browser (Chromium on the RPi) at Then scroll down to hit the "connect" icon. If the PiCamera is ON, you should now see something!

It's now time to adjust the lens! GOOD LUCK!

Install the romi libraryLink

cd ~/romi-rover-build-and-test/python
python -m pip install -e .

Install the plant-imager libraryLink

Install system requirementsLink

You will need python3 and pip, that can be easily installed as follows:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Add the user's private bin to the $PATHLink

We have to add a few lines to the .bashrc file so the locally installed Python library are available.

To do so, simply copy/paste the following lines in the terminal:

cat<<EOF >> ~/.bashrc

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then

Clone the sourcesLink

To clone the plant-imager sources from the ROMI GitHub repository, simply run:

cd  # Move back to the user home directory
git clone --branch dev_lyon --recurse-submodules


The --recurse-submodules option will automatically initialize and update each submodule in the repository.

Install the sourcesLink

Then move to the cloned directory and install the plant-imager Python library and its submodules (plantdb & romitask) with:

# Don't forget to activate the environment!
cd plant-imager
# Install `plantdb` requirements & sources from submodules:
python -m pip install -r ./plantdb/requirements.txt
python -m pip install -e ./plantdb/
# Install `romitask` sources from submodules:
python -m pip install -e ./romitask/
# Install `plant-imager`:
python -m pip install -e .

Test the installationLink

To test the installation of the Python libraries you can run:

python -c "import plantdb"
python -c "import romitask"
python -c "import plantimager"

If no error message is returned, you are all set with this part, well done!