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How-to create a new ROMI evaluation taskLink

In order to evaluate the reconstruction and quantification tasks accuracy, we offer the possibility to also create evaluation tasks. The idea is to use a digital twin to generates the expected outcome of a task and use it as ground truth to challenge the reconstruction task.

To do so, you will have to create two tasks:

  • ground truth task: it should generate the expected outcome of the evaluated task from the digital twin;
  • evaluation task: it will compare the output of the evaluated task against the ground truth.

For example, the Voxels task has a VoxelGroundTruth task and a VoxelEvaluation task.

Ground truth taskLink

Ground truth tasks should be defined in plant-3d-vision/plant3dvision/tasks/ It should inherit from RomiTask and define a run method exporting the ground truth later use as reference in the evaluation task.


Do not forget to reference the task in romitask/romitask/

Evaluation taskLink

Evaluation tasks should be defined in plant-3d-vision/plant3dvision/tasks/ The evaluation task that you will write should inherit from EvaluationTask that defines:

  • the requires method to use an upstream_task and ground_truth;
  • the output method to create the corresponding evaluation dataset
  • the evaluate method that you should override;
  • the run method that call evaluate and save the results as a JSON file.


Do not forget to reference the task in romitask/romitask/