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Tasks metadata: parametrizationLink


They aim at keeping track of the parameters used by algorithms during any ROMI task. They enable to trace back results and compare them.

Database locationLink

Located under the metadata directory of the plant scan dataset, these JSON files contain the parameters used to run the task and are produced by each task.

Examples of task metadata JSON file names:


The tasks ids are a concatenation of the task name, the first values of the first 3 parameters sorted by parameter name and a md5hash of the name/parameters as a cananocalised json (from luigi documentation of task_id_str)

AnglesAndInternodes taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [AnglesAndInternodes] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_task = "TreeGraph"
characteristic_length = 1.0
stem_axis_inverted = false

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/AnglesAndInternodes_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/AnglesAndInternodes_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "characteristic_length": 1.0,
        "min_elongation_ratio": 2.0,
        "min_fruit_size": 0.1,
        "number_nn": 50,
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "stem_axis": 2,
        "stem_axis_inverted": "False",
        "upstream_task": "ClusteredMesh"

ClusteredMesh taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [Colmap] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_task = "SegmentedPointCloud"
min_vol = 1.0
min_length = 10.0

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/ClusteredMesh_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/ClusteredMesh_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "min_length": 10.0,
        "min_vol": 1.0,
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "upstream_task": "SegmentedPointCloud"

Colmap taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [Colmap] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

matcher = "exhaustive"
compute_dense = false

"--ImageReader.single_camera" = "1"
"--SiftExtraction.use_gpu" = "1"

"--SiftMatching.use_gpu" = "1"

"--robust_alignment_max_error" = "10"

[Colmap.bounding_box] # default to None
x = [150, 650]
y = [150, 650]
z = [-90, 300]

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/Colmap_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/Colmap_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "bounding_box": {
        "x": [
        "y": [
        "z": [
    "task_params": {
        "align_pcd": "True",
        "calibration_scan_id": "",
        "cli_args": {
            "exhaustive_matcher": {
                "--SiftMatching.use_gpu": "1"
            "feature_extractor": {
                "--ImageReader.single_camera": "1",
                "--SiftExtraction.use_gpu": "1"
            "model_aligner": {
                "--robust_alignment_max_error": "10"
        "compute_dense": "False",
        "matcher": "exhaustive",
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "upstream_task": "ImagesFilesetExists"

CurveSkeleton taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [CurveSkeleton] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_task = "TriangleMesh"

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/CurveSkeleton_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/CurveSkeleton_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "upstream_task": "TriangleMesh"

Masks taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [Masks] section in the TOML configuration file. Default parametrization based on linear masking. For example:

upstream_task = "Undistorted"
type = "linear"
parameters = "[0,1,0]"
dilation = 5
binarize = true
threshold = 0.3

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/Masks_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/Masks_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "binarize": "True",
        "dilation": 5,
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "parameters": [
        "query": {},
        "scan_id": "",
        "threshold": 0.3,
        "type": "linear",
        "upstream_task": "ImagesFilesetExists"

PointCloud taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [PointCloud] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_task = "Voxels"
level_set_value = 1.0
log = false
background_prior= -200
min_contrast = 10.0
min_score = 0.2

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/PointCloud_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/PointCloud_*.json:

    "task_params": {
        "background_prior": 0.5,
        "level_set_value": 1,
        "log": "False",
        "min_contrast": 10.0,
        "min_score": 0.2,
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "upstream_task": "Voxels"

Segmentation2D taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [Segmentation2D] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_task = "Undistorted"
model_fileset = "ModelFileset"
query = "{\"channel\":\"rgb\"}"
model_id = "Resnetdataset_gl_png_896_896_epoch50"
resize = true
binarize = true
dilation = 1
Sx = 896
Sy = 896
epochs = 1
batch = 1
learning_rate = 0.0001
threshold = 0.0035

scan_id = "models"

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/Segmentation2D_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/Segmentation2D_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "Sx": 896,
        "Sy": 896,
        "binarize": "True",
        "dilation": 1,
        "inverted_labels": [
        "labels": [],
        "model_fileset": "ModelFileset",
        "model_id": "Resnetdataset_gl_png_896_896_epoch50",
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "query": {
            "channel": "rgb"
        "resize": "True",
        "scan_id": "",
        "threshold": 0.0035,
        "upstream_task": "Undistorted"

SegmentedPointCloud taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [SegmentedPointCloud] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_segmentation = "Segmentation2D"
upstream_task = "PointCloud"
use_colmap_poses = true

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/SegmentedPointCloud_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/SegmentedPointCloud_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "upstream_segmentation": "Segmentation2D",
        "upstream_task": "PointCloud",
        "use_colmap_poses": "True"

TreeGraph taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [TreeGraph] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_task = "CurveSkeleton"
z_axis = 2
stem_axis_inverted = false

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/TreeGraph_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/TreeGraph_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "upstream_task": "CurveSkeleton",
        "z_axis": 2,
        "z_orientation": 1

TriangleMesh taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [TriangleMesh] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_task = "PointCloud"

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/TriangleMesh_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/TriangleMesh_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "upstream_task": "PointCloud"

Undistorted taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [Undistorted] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_task = "ImagesFilesetExists"

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/Undistorted_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/Undistorted_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "query": {},
        "scan_id": "",
        "upstream_task": "ImagesFilesetExists"

Visualization taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [Visualization] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_point_cloud = "PointCloud"
upstream_mesh = "TriangleMesh"
upstream_colmap = "Colmap"
upstream_angles = "AnglesAndInternodes"
upstream_skeleton = "CurveSkeleton"
upstream_images = "ImagesFilesetExists"
max_image_size = 1500
max_point_cloud_size = 10000
thumbnail_size = 150

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/Visualization.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/Visualization.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "files": {
        "angles": "AnglesAndInternodes",
        "camera": "cameras",
        "images": [
        "measures": "measures",
        "mesh": "TriangleMesh",
        "point_cloud": "PointCloud",
        "poses": "images",
        "skeleton": "CurveSkeleton",
        "thumbnails": [
        "zip": "scan"
    "task_params": {
        "max_image_size": 1500,
        "max_point_cloud_size": 10000,
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "thumbnail_size": 150,
        "upstream_angles": "AnglesAndInternodes",
        "upstream_colmap": "Colmap",
        "upstream_images": "Undistorted",
        "upstream_mesh": "TriangleMesh",
        "upstream_point_cloud": "PointCloud",
        "upstream_skeleton": "CurveSkeleton"

Voxels taskLink


To configure this task, we use the [Voxels] section in the TOML configuration file. For example:

upstream_mask = "Masks"
upstream_colmap = "Colmap"
use_colmap_poses = true
voxel_size = 1.0
type = "carving"
log = false
invert = false
labels = "[]"

Database locationLink

Found under metadata/Voxels_*.json.

JSON exampleLink

Example of metadata/Voxels_*.json corresponding to the example TOML configuration file:

    "task_params": {
        "invert": "False",
        "labels": [
        "log": "False",
        "output_file_id": "out",
        "scan_id": "",
        "type": "averaging",
        "upstream_colmap": "Colmap",
        "upstream_mask": "Segmentation2D",
        "use_colmap_poses": "True",
        "voxel_size": 0.01

Scan taskLink


For some reason the parameters are defined in the metadata/metadata.json file. Definition can be found here.