Acquisition-related tasksLink
Scan taskLink
This task class is used to acquire a set of RGB images from a real plant to study using the Plant imager hardware.
It produces a Fileset
named 'images'
(designated as raw scan) that may go with a metadata dictionary if provided as parameter.
VirtualScan taskLink
This task class is used to acquire a set of RGB images from a mesh computer model (OBJ file) representing a plant using blender.
It produces a Fileset
named 'images'
that may be accompanied by a metadata dictionary if provided as parameter.
VirtualPlant taskLink
This task class is used to generate a mesh computer model (OBJ file) representing a plant using a programmable plant model generator called LPY. It produces ??? (TODO)
CalibrationScan taskLink
This task class is used to ??? (TODO)