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Romi Rover configurationLink

The Romi Rover control software uses the following input files (see also the Software documentation:

  • The configuration file: Most of the settings of the rover can be modified in this file.

  • The script file: This file lists all the commands of the rover that are actionnable by the user, and what these commands should do.

The configuration and script files are discussed in detail below.

Configuration fileLink

The rover control software is starting using the romi-rover command. This command takes the path to the main configuration as an argument. Example configutation files can be found in the romi-rover/config directory.

The configuration data is formated in JSON and is a dictionnary of top-level section names and the values for that section. It's overall structure is:

    "imager": "...",
    "navigation": {
    "oquam": {
    "ports": {
    "user-interface": {
    "weeder": {

The navigation section contains the parameters related to the navigation, from the low-level settings of the motor drivers to the settings for the autonomous navigation. The oquam section contains all the parameters related to the CNC. The ports section lists all of the serial ports and their usage. The user-interface is used to configure such things as the controller to rover speed mapping. Finally, in the weeder section you can change the settings related to the weeding algorithm. We will discuss each of these sections below.


As much as possible, the configuration and script files uses meter for distances, seconds for time, m/s for speeds, m/s² for acceleration.

We deviate from the scientific standard for angles, for which we use degrees instead of radians.

The navigation sectionLink

An example of a complete navigation section is shown below:

    "navigation": {
        "rover": {
            "wheel-diameter": 0.47,
            "wheelbase": 1.45,
            "wheeltrack": 1.35,
            "maximum-speed": 3,
            "maximum-acceleration": 0.5
        "brush-motor-driver": {
            "encoder-directions": {
                "left": -1,
                "right": 1
            "encoder-steps": 16000,
            "maximum-signal-amplitude": 500,
            "pid": {
                "ki": [ 3, 100 ],
                "kp": [ 100, 100 ]
        "track-follower": "python"

The rover section sets some of the physical parameters of the rover:

Name Description
wheel-diameter The diameter of the motorized wheel, in meter (m)
wheelbase The distance between the axes of the front wheel and the back wheel (m)
wheeltrack The distance between the back wheels (front wheels), measured from the middle of the left wheel to the middle of the right wheel (m)
maximum-speed The maximum allowed speed (m/s)
maximum-acceleration The maximum allowed acceleration (m/s²)

The brush-motor-driver object has a number of settings for the firmware that controls the motors:.

Name Description
encoder-directions This value is an array of two values, the first concerns the left wheel, the second concerns the right wheel. The values are either 1 or -1. In case the value is 1, the encoder values decrement when the wheel is turning forwards. In case the value is 1, the encoder values increment when the wheel is turning forwards.
encoder-steps The number of encoder steps for a full turn of the wheel. This should take into account the number of steps of the encoder itself, plus the number of turns of the gearbox.
maximum-signal-amplitude The maximum signal that the driver can send to the motor driver. Should be a value > 0 and <= 500;
pid These are the values for the PI controller - a PID Controller without the 'D' - used by the driver. Two values are needed: the constants Kp and Ki. They are not specified as floating-point values but as a couple [numerator, denominator]. So [3, 100] means 3/100th.

Finally, the track-follower settings defines which algorithm should be used for the track following used for autonomous navigation. Three options are available at the time of writing:

Name Description
odometry Use the encoders on the wheels.
manual Expect manual input from the controller.
python This is the line following algorithm currently being tested that follows a line of crops. The name will likely change when the algorithms is integrated in the main software.

The Oquam sectionLink

    "oquam": {
        "cnc-range": [[0, 1.0], [0, 0.75], [-0.4, 0]],
        "path-maximum-deviation": 0.01,
        "path-slice-duration": 0.02,
        "stepper-settings": {
            "steps-per-revolution": [200, 200, 200],
            "microsteps": [8, 8, 1],
            "gears-ratio": [1, 1, 1],
            "displacement-per-revolution": [0.04, 0.04, -0.0015],
            "maximum-rpm": [300, 300, 300],
            "maximum-acceleration": [0.3, 0.3, 0.03]
Name Description
cnc-range The dimensions of the three axes of the CNC. The values must be provided as an array of three couples, for the x, y, and z axis. Each couple specifies the minimum and maximum position in meters.
path-maximum-deviation This value, in meters, sets the maximum allowed deviation from the ideal path when the CNC is requested to trace a polygonal path. By allowing a small deviation, the CNC can maintain a given speed while assuring that the maximum accelerations (and thus forces) are respected. It allows for smoother path travelings.
path-slice-duration A long path is sliced into small segments of constant speed. This variable sets the default duration of these segments.

The stepper-settings provide the information on the stepper motors that are used. The following six pieces of information are required:

Name Description
steps-per-revolution The number os steps per revolution of the stepper motors, for the x, y, and z axis.
microsteps If micro-stepping was enabled, the number of micro-steps for the x, y, and z axis (a value of 1 indicates no micro-stepping).
gears-ratio If the stepper motors use gears, provide the gear ratio. 1 means no gearbox is used. A value of N means that N revolutions of the stepper motor are required for 1 revolution of the output axis, or that the driver has to send N times more steps to the stepper motor for the output axis to complete a revolution.
displacement-per-revolution This value specifies by how much the CNC moves, in meter, for one revolution of the output axis of the motor + gearbox combination. This value is related to the size of the pulley that pulls on the belt.
maximum-rpm The maximum speed of the stepper motors. The datasheets of the stepper motor generaly indicate this value in revolutions per minute (rpm).
maximum-acceleration The maximum allowed acceleration, in m/s², for each of the axes.

The ports sectionLink

This dictionnary lists which firmware drivers are available on what system ports. The rover uses mostly serial connections. The joystick uses a different device, however. The rcdiscover utility can be used to generate this list:

$ ./bin/rcdiscover path/to/config.json

The list has entries as follows:

    "ports": {
        "oquam": {
            "port": "/dev/ttyACM5",
            "type": "serial"

First comes the name of the firmware that is accessible through this port. It tells the type of the port ('serial' or 'input-device'), and the device's path in the 'port' field).

The user-interface sectionLink

The user interface config contains the settings for the speed controller. There are two drive modes: fast and accurate. Each have their own settings:

    "user-interface": {
        "speed-controller": {
            "accurate": {
                "speed-multiplier": 0.2,
                "direction-multiplier": 0.05,
                "use-speed-curve": true,
                "speed-curve-exponent": 1,
                "use-direction-curve": true,
                "direction-curve-exponent": 1
            "fast": {
                "speed-multiplier": 0.3,
                "direction-multiplier": 0.15,
                "use-speed-curve": true,
                "speed-curve-exponent": 1,
                "use-direction-curve": true,
                "direction-curve-exponent": 1

The speed controller sets the the speed of the left and right wheel and thus the radius of the turn that rover will follow.

The two input values from the controller that set the speed and direction are mapped onto the range [-1, 1]. These normalized values are then used to determine the relative speed of the left and right wheel. The absolute speed of the rover is the product of the relative speed and the absolute speed given in the rover settings discussed above.

The relative speed of the left wheel is:

speed_left = (speed_multiplier * speed + direction_multiplier * direction);

where speed and direction are the normalized inputs from the controller.

Name Description
speed-multiplier This number, with a value between 0 and 1, determines the maximum relative speed when the the speed trigger is completely pressed by the user.
direction-multiplier The number defines the maximum speed difference, and thus the maximum turning angle, between the left and right wheel.

In addition, it is possible to use an exponential curve to map the speed and direction values. This may give a more smooth behaviour when the rover starts from stand-still to higher speeds. A speed of zero still maps to zero, and a speed of one still maps to one, but in between the mapping follows a curve instead of a straight line. The curve is as follows:

x = ((exp(exponent * x) - 1.0) / (exp(exponent) - 1.0));
Name Description
use-speed-curve true of false: should the speed controller use the exponential curve to map the speed value?
speed-curve-exponent The exponent of the speed curve.
use-direction-curve true of false: should the speed controller use the exponential curve to map the direction value?
direction-curve-exponent The exponent of the direction curve.

The weeder sectionLink

The weeder sections contains the settings for the weeder tool. These are as follows:

    "weeder": {
        "diameter-tool": 0.04,
        "imagecropper": {
            "workspace": [
        "speed": 0.8,
        "z0": -0.22
Name Description
diameter-tool The size of the weeding tool head, in meter.
imagecropper.workspace The crop size and position the camera image to obtain the image of the workspace only.
speed The relative speed of the weeding tool, between 0 and 1.0. This speed is multiplied by the maximum speed of the CNC to obtain the final speed of the weeding tool.
z0 The position of the weeding tool when weeding.

Script fileLink

The script file consists of a JSON array of script objects:

        "id": "script1",
        "title": "The First Script",
        "script": [

The script objects have the following fields:

Name Value Required Description
id String Required The internal name of the script
title String Required The name to be shown to end-users
script Array Required The list of actions to be taken

The script itself is an array that lists all the actions to be taken, one after the other. For example:

        "id": "script1",
        "title": "The First Script",
        "script": [
            {"action": "start_recording"},
            {"action": "move", "distance": 8, "speed": 400},
            {"action": "stop_recording"},
            {"action": "move", "distance": -8, "speed": -400}

Each action object has an action field. The list of available actions are:

Name Description
start_recording Start recording the images of the top camera
stop_recording Stop recording the images of the top camera
move Move a given distance (at a given speed)
hoe Start weeding
homing Go to the home position (for rovers with a limit switch only)

The move action takes the following parameters:

Name Value Required Description
distance Number (in meters) Required The distance to be travelled
speed Number (-1000 < speed < 1000) Optional The speed

The moveat action takes a speed value, as in the move command above.