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Creating isolated Python environmentsLink

You can use venv or conda to create isolated Python environments.


Some ROMI libraries have dependencies relying on specific Python versions. Make sure that the isolated environment you create match these requirements!

Isolated environments with venvLink


Python 3 & pip are required. On Debian-like OS, use the following command to install them:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

For more details & explanations, follow this official guide to learn how to install packages using pip and virtual environments.

Environment creationLink

To create a new environment, named plant_imager, use python3 and the venv module:

python3 -m venv plant_imager


This will create a plant_imager folder in the current working directory and place the "environment files" there! We thus advise to gather all your environment in a common folder like ~/envs.

To activate it:

source plant_imager/bin/activate


Now you can easily install Python packages, for example NumPy, as follow:

pip3 install numpy


Use deactivate or kill terminal to leave it!

You can now use this environment to install the ROMI software & dependencies.

Isolated environments with minicondaLink


In this case you do not need Python to be installed on your system, all you need it to install miniconda3. You can download the latest miniconda3 version with:


On Debian-like OS, use the following command to install it:


For more details & explanations, follow this official guide to learn how to install miniconda.

Environment creationLink

To create a new conda environment, named plant_imager with Python 3.7:

conda create --name plant_imager python==3.7

To activate it:

conda activate plant_imager


Now you can now easily install Python packages, for example NumPy, as follow:

conda install numpy


Use conda deactivate or kill terminal to leave it!

You can now use this environment to install the ROMI software & dependencies.