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rcom is light-weight C++ libary for inter-node communication. All data is sent over websockets and rcom provides an implementation of both server-side and client-side websockets.

rcom offers a low-level API that can be used to build several communication patterns, such the publisher-subscriber pattern (pub-sub), or a message bus.

rcom also offers a higher-level API that provides the remote procedure call pattern (RPC). We will discuss this API in more detail first. After that we will present the generic API.


The installation process follows the classical clone/cmake/make pattern:

$ git clone -b ci_dev
$ cd librcom/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Then run the tests to make sure all is well:

$ ctest -V

To check the code coverage run:

$ make librcom_unit_tests_coverage
$ firefox librcom/librcom_unit_tests_coverage/index.html 

Using rcom for remote procedure callsLink

We will document how to use rcom through C++ API. However, it is possible to combine rcom with code writen in Python or Javascript, among other. We will provide some examples further below.

Using C++Link

Suppose that you are writing an application called Madness that controls a bunch of happy monsters on the local network (whatever...). You design an interface called IMonster, as follows:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

class IMonster
        virtual ~IMonster() = default;
        virtual void jump_around() = 0;
        virtual void gently_scare_someone(const std::string& person_id) = 0;
        virtual double get_energy_level() = 0;

All the monsters of your application will derive from this interface, such as the HappyMonster below.

class HappyMonster : public IMonster
        std::string name_;
        double energy_;
        HappyMonster(const std::string name);
        ~HappyMonster() override = default;
        void jump_around() override;
        void gently_scare_someone(const std::string& person_id) override;
        double get_energy_level() override;

HappyMonster::HappyMonster(const std::string name)
        : name_(name), energy_(1.0)

void HappyMonster::jump_around()
        std::cout << "Jump around!" << std::endl;

void HappyMonster::gently_scare_someone(const std::string& person_id)
        std::cout << "Hey " << person_id
                  << ", don't watch that. Watch this. " 
                  << "This is the happy happy monster show."
                  << std::endl;

double HappyMonster::get_energy_level()
        return energy_;

You can now write a small application, create a monster, and have it do things.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        HappyMonster monster("Elmo");
        return 0;

The full code of this example is split over the following files: monster_simple.cpp, IMonster.h, and HappyMonster.h

The client-side applicationLink

In the next step we will write a monster that lives in a remote application, either on the same machine but in a different process, or on a remote machine on the local network. We will write a new type of monster, called RemoteMonster.

#include "rcom/RemoteStub.h"
#include "rcom/RcomClient.h"

class RemoteMonster : public IMonster, public rcom::RemoteStub
        RemoteMonster(std::unique_ptr<rcom::IRPCClient>& client);
        ~RemoteMonster() override = default;
        void jump_around() override;
        void gently_scare_someone(const std::string& person_id) override;
        double get_energy_level() override;

The new class inherits both from IMonster and RemoteStub. The latter is part of rcom. You can also see that the RemoteMonster constructor takes an instance of IRPCClient as an argument. This class represents the connection between the local application and the remote process. As you can see below, this pointer is passed to the constructor of RemoteStub who will use it to send and receive messages. Normally, you should not have to add arguments to the constructor or create additional member variables in the RemoteMonster class because it is just a stub that will forward all requests to the real implementation that lives in a remote process.

RemoteMonster::RemoteMonster(std::unique_ptr<rcom::IRPCClient>& client)
        : RemoteStub(client)

We still have to implement the methods of our example class. They are shown below.

void RemoteMonster::jump_around()
        bool success = execute_simple_request("jump-around");
        if (!success) {
                std::cout << "jump_around failed" << std::endl;

void RemoteMonster::gently_scare_someone(const std::string& person_id)
        nlohmann::json params;
        params["person-in"] = person_id;

        bool success = execute_with_params("gently-scare-someone", params);
        if (!success) {
                std::cout << "gently_scare_someone failed" << std::endl;

double RemoteMonster::get_energy_level()
        double energy_level = -1.0;
        nlohmann::json result;

        bool success = execute_with_result("get-energy-level", result);
        if (success) {
                energy_level = result["energy-level"];
        } else {
                std::cout << "get_energy_level failed" << std::endl;

        return energy_level;

The implementation mostly calls upon the methods provided by RemoteStub:

  • Use execute_simple_request for methods that don't take any arguments and return no values.
  • Use execute_with_params when the caller has to send arguments, but no return value is expected.
  • Use execute_with_result when there are no arguments but a value is returned.
  • Finally, the generic method execute takes arguments for the remote method and returns a value.

Both the parameters and the return value are sent using the JSON format. The RemoteStub takes care of the encoding the data to a JSON string representation and parsing the incoming string to a C++ JSON data structure. For this rcom uses the JSON library by Niels Lohmann. Check out its documentation to get to know all its features.

The various execute methods return true when the remote method was executed successfully and false when an error occured. They do not throw an exception. This leaves the choice up to you whether to throw an exception in response to a failed invokation or not. When an error occured, the RemoteStub will write a message with to the rcom logger. See more on the log system below.

NOTE: The other functions, such as RcomClient::create below do throw exceptions.

Here is the main function, again, rewriten for the use of the remote monster:

int main()
        try {
                auto client = rcom::RcomClient::create("elmo", 10.0);
                RemoteMonster monster(client);        
        } catch (std::exception& e) {
                log_error("main: '%s'", e.what());
        return 0;

The function rcom::RcomClient::create establishes the connection to a remote object on the local network (or local machine) identified by "elmo". The second argument is a timeout for the connection. If "elmo" doesn't show up within 10 seconds, the application calls it quits.

If the connection is established, it is passed to the RemoteMonster object. The application can then call the IMonster methods as if the remote monster was a normal, local object.

The full code of the new version can be found in monster_client.cpp.

The registryLink

If you run the example application above, it will quit with the following error message:

ERROR: Socket::connect: failed to bind the socket
ERROR: Socket::Socket: Failed to connect to address
ERROR: main: 'Socket: Failed to connect'

In order for the example above to find the "elmo" object, rcom uses another service called the rcom-registry. It is basically a directory service the maps identifiers to IP addresses. You will have to start the service separately:

$ ./bin/rcom-registry 
INFO: Registry server running at

If you run the example application again, it will still quit. This time, after 10 seconds, it will show the error message below:

WARNING: MessageLink::connect: Failed to obtain address for topic 'elmo'
ERROR: MessageLink: Failed to connect: elmo
ERROR: main: 'MessageLink: Failed to connect'

This is normal: we didn't implement and start the remote process, yet. We will look into that in the next session.

The server-side applicationLink

The remote side - or server side - will receive requests coming from the application that was introduced above. These requests are sent as JSON strings. They have to be parsed and mapped to the methods of the actual C++ object that the remote client wants to address. For this, we will use an adaptor, as follows:

int main()
        try {
                std::string name = "elmo";
                HappyMonster monster(name);
                MonsterAdaptor adaptor(monster);
                auto monster_server = rcom::RcomServer::create(name, adaptor);

                while (true) {

        } catch (std::exception& e) {
                log_error("main: '%s'", e.what());
        return 0;

The MonsterAdaptor instance sits in between the generic RcomServer object and the HappyMonster object. The server will handle incoming JSON requests and call the adapter. The adaptor must map the request to the Monster object. Any return values will be converted to JSON by the server and sent back.

The key here is the adapter class. It looks as follows:

class MonsterAdaptor : public rcom::IRPCHandler
        IMonster& monster_;

        MonsterAdaptor(IMonster& monster);
        ~MonsterAdaptor() override = default;

        void execute(const std::string& method, nlohmann::json& params,
                     nlohmann::json& result, rcom::RPCError& status) override;
        void execute(const std::string& method, nlohmann::json& params,
                     rcom::MemBuffer& result, rcom::RPCError &status) override;

The two execute methods will be called by the server instance. The first one is for JSON text messages. The second one is for methods returning large binary data. The use of binary data will be discussed later.

In our example, the execute method checks the value of the method argument and then dispatches the call to the appropriate methods on the "real" C++ object:

void MonsterAdaptor::execute(const std::string& method, nlohmann::json& params,
                             nlohmann::json& result, rcom::RPCError& error)
        error.code = 0;
        if (method == "jump-around") {

        } else if (method == "gently-scare-someone") {
                std::string id = params["person-id"];

        } else if (method == "get-energy-level") {
                result["energy-level"] = monster_.get_energy_level();

        } else {
                error.code = rcom::RPCError::kMethodNotFound;
                error.message = "Unknown method";

That's it! The full code of this section can be found here: monster_server.cpp.

Run the exampleLink

To run the example, you must first start the rcom-registry:

$ build/bin/rcom-registry
INFO: Registry server running at

Then, in another shell, you start the server-side application that runs the remote object:

$ build/bin/monster_server

The rcom-registry console should display something like the message below. It shows that the remote server successfully registered with the "elmo" identifier.

INFO: RegistryServer: Received message: {"request": "register", "topic": "elmo", "address": ""}
INFO: RegistryServer: Register topic 'elmo' at

In a third shell, you can now start the client application:

$ build/bin/monster_client

This example application will quit almost immediately because it doesn't do anything other than send a simple message. The console of monster_server should show the following, though:

Hey you, don't watch that. Watch this. This is the happy happy monster show.

Returning binary dataLink

To send binary data in the textual JSON format, it has to be encoded, for example, using the Base64 encoding. This can be quite a performance hit. For example, when the Raspberry Pi Zero has to transmit images, this encoding becomes a showstopper.

So, it is therfore possible to return the data as a binary buffer. This is the reason for the second execute method in the adapter class discussed above.

On the client side, you will have to do the following:

rcom::MemBuffer& MyClass::call_method_with_binary_output(rcom::MemBuffer& buffer)
        nlohmann::json params;
        RPCError error;

        client_->execute("method-id", params, buffer, error);

        if (error.code != 0) {
                // ...

        return buffer;

In the example above, we don't use the execute methods of the stub but directly the execute method of the client connection maintained the stub.

Currently, it is only possible to retrive binary data from the server. There is no method, yet, for sending a buffer of binary data to the server. If you have to send binary data, you will have to encode it and sending it as part of the JSON request.

The generic APILink

rcom provides both server-side and client-side websockets. We'll call them client end-point and server end-points. A separate application, called 'rcom-registry' is a directory server that maintains the list of all server end-points. The rcom-registry application should be launched separately before any other application.

The server end-points are identified using a topic, which is a free-form string. The topic should be unique for a given rcom-registry. Client end-points that want to communicate with a server first contact the rcom-registry to obtain the address of the server end-point. The address is simply a combination of IP address and port number. The client can then connect to the server end-point directly.

An application can open several server end-points. And a single server end-point can handle many clients.

The rcom library does not impose any format on the messages sent back and forth between the client and the server. Since the websocket standard makes a distinction between text-based, so does rcom. But under the hood, rcom is agnostic about the content of the messages.

The loggerLink

By default, the rcom libray logs the internal messages, including error messages, to the console. If you are writing a large application, you probably want to redirect these messages to a file or a GUI window. In that case, you can subclass the rcom::ILog interface and inject it into the API functions discussed so far. For example, in the example discussed previously, we created a client connection to a remote object as follows:

int main()
        // ...
        auto client = rcom::RcomClient::create("elmo", 10.0);
        // ...

This can be adapted as follows:

#include "MyLog.h"

int main()
        // ...
        auto log = std::make_shared<MyLog>();
        auto client = rcom::RcomClient::create("elmo", 10.0, log);
        // ...

The class MyLog implements the rcom::Ilog interface. It must handle the four types of messages that may be sent by the library as follows:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <rcom/ILog.h>

class MyLog : public rcom::ILog
        MyLog() {}
        ~MyLog() override = default;

        void error(const std::string& message) override {
                std::cout << "MyErr: " << message << std::endl;

        void warn(const std::string& message) override {
                std::cout << "MyWarn: " << message << std::endl;

        void info(const std::string& message) override {
                std::cout << "MyInfo: " << message << std::endl;

        void debug(const std::string& message) override {
                std::cout << "MyDebug: " << message << std::endl;

Similarly, for the server-side, you can pass your own the ILog object:

#include "MyLog.h"

int main()
        // ...
        auto monster_server = rcom::RcomServer::create(name, adaptor, log);
        // ...

Fixed portLink

No registrationLink


Specifying the address of the registryLink

Behind a web serverLink



Connecting from JavascriptLink

TODO: This section is work in progress (as is most of this documentation BTW).

Connecting to a remote object from Javascript is a two-step process:

  1. Create a websocket to rcom-registry to obtain the address of the requested object.
function createRemoteMonster(name, registry)
    var registrySocket = new WebSocket('ws://' + registry + ':10101');

    registrySocket.onopen = function (event) {
        var request = { 'request': 'get', 'topic': name };

    registrySocket.onmessage = function (event) {
        var reply = JSON.parse(;
        if (reply.success) {
            monster = new RemoteMonster(reply.address);
  1. Create a websocket to the remote object using the obtained address.
class RemoteMonster
    constructor(address) {
        this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://' + address);
        this.socket.onmessage = (event) => {
        this.socket.onopen = (event) => {
             // ...

    handleMessage(buffer) {
        var response = JSON.parse(buffer);
        if (response.error) {
        } else if (response.method == 'get-energy-level') {
               console.log('RemoteMonster: Energy level ' + response['energy-level']

    handleErrorMessage(err) {
        console.log('RemoteMonster: Method: ' + response.method
                    + ', Error: ' + response.error.message);

    execute(method, params) {
        var request = { 'method': method, 'params': params };
        var s = JSON.stringify(request);

    jumpAround() {

    gentlyScareSomeone(id) {
        this.execute('gently-scare-someone', {'person-id': id}};

    getEnergyLevel() {

Connecting from PythonLink

The rcom library provides some helper code to exchange data between Python code and rcom objects written in C++. At the current development stage, this Python code has only been used for prototyping during development. The code is not production ready but it may help to get started in your own projects.

In the root directory of the rcom repository, you will find a directory called python that contains the Python rcom modules and some examples. You can install the rcom Python code and dependencies as follows:

$ cd python
$ python3 install --user

A Python client connecting to an C++ rcom serverLink

To run the example, start the rcom-registry server in a new shell:

$ bin/rcom-registry

In another shell, start the remote monster server that we discussed above:

$ bin/monster_server

Finally, run the Python client:

$ python3 examples/

The Python code looks as follows. First, we define a new class RemoteMonster that subclasses the RcomClient from the rcom.rcom_client module.

from rcom.rcom_client import RcomClient

class RemoteMonster(RcomClient):

        def __init__(self, name, registry):
            super().__init__(name, registry)

        def jump_around(self):

        def gently_scare_someone(self, person_id):
            self.execute('gently-scare-someone', {'person-id': person_id})

        def get_energy_level(self):
            answer = self.execute('get-energy-level')
            return answer['energy-level']

TODO: The implementation still requires that you pass the IP address to the registry to the RcomClient instance. You can find the local IP address using this code snippet:

import socket

def get_local_ip():
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    s.connect(("", 80))
    ip = s.getsockname()[0]
    return ip

Calling the remote C++ object is now very straightforward:

monster = RemoteMonster('elmo', get_local_ip())
energy = monster.get_energy_level()
print(f'energy level is {energy}')

Overview of the classes and codeLink

ILinux, Linux, MockLinux: To facilitate unit testing, the system functions are abstracted in the ILinux interface. The Linux class provides the default implementation, and MockLinux the implementation used for testing.

The interface ISocket defines a standard TCP/IP socket API. The class Socket is the default implementation of the API. Similarly, IServerSocket defines the API for a socket that accepts incoming connection. It's default implementation can be found in the ServerSocket class. Both Socket and ServerSocket actually share a lot of functionality. This functionality is grouped together in the class BaseSocket, which encapsulates the standard BSD socket interface. Both Both Socket and ServerSocket delegate most of the methods to BaseSocket.

Websockets have there own API, defined in IWebSocket. This interface basically defines the methods to send or receive a message. The WebSocket class provides the default implementation. It uses an ISocket to send and receive data on the TCP/IP connection and then implements the websocket protocol as defined in RFC 6455.

Most of the code doesn't create WebSockets directly but uses an instance of ISocketFactory to create them. Again, this facilitates the testing of the code by passing in a MockSocketFactory.

The WebSocketServer implements a server that waits for incoming websocket connections and creates a new ServerSideWebSocket after a successful handshake. It also maintains the list of all open connections. This allows to send broadcast messages to all client connected to this server. The handle_events method should be called regularly to deal with the incoming connection requests.

We distinguish between server-side and client-side websockets:

  • ServerSideWebSocket: The websocket created on the server-side in response to a new incoming connection.
  • ClientSideWebSocket: The websocket created by the client to connect to a WebSocketServer.

Both inherit implementation from the WebSocket class.

A MessageHub is like a WebSocketServer with the following additional functionality:

  • It has a topic name.
  • It registers the topic and its address to the remote registry.

RPC classesLink










Remote access 4G router, set-up at the farm Managing an fleet of rovers 4G router with a solar panel queue management doc format messages describe format message for different actions: move, path, grab, ... c++ -> Python